Sårtype: NPWT


1.Malmsjö M et al. Comparison of bacteria and fungus-binding mesh, foam and gauze as fillers in negative pressure wound therapy – pressure transduction, wound edge contraction, microvascular blood flow and fluid retention. Int Wound J. 2012;10:597-605.link
2.Stanirowski PJ et al. Randomized controlled trial evaluating dialkylcarbamoyl chloride impregnated dressings for the prevention of surgical site infections in adult women undergoing cesarean section. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016;17:427-435.link
3.Kammerlander G et al. An investigation of Cutimed Sorbact as an antimicrobial alternative in wound management. Wounds UK. 2008;4:10-18.link

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